

To raise awareness about 买球app官网中心’ Asinotherapy Program, we’ve launched this entertaining 和 informative blog series featuring our six miniature donkeys: Esther, 以扫, 月光, 科里, 安格斯, 和杰克. Be sure to check in regularly to learn about the donkeys 和 the important role they play at 买球app官网中心.

荆棘中的玫瑰” is how the other members of the Latham herd refer to Esther. 她是个难得的美人, a former prize-winner on the National Miniature Donkey Association show circuit, 和 the only “jennie” or female among the six Latham donkeys. 来买球app官网之前, Esther traveled to donkey shows 和 to visit friends in the backseat of a minivan – no rattling, exhaust-filled, 埃斯特的通风拖车. Esther has refined sensibilities 和 she enjoys lovely things, but she is quick to point out that she is always flexible 和 willing to “bloom where she is planted.”

“I do enjoy grazing whenever possible. 没有什么比得上新鲜的, vibrant green pasture beneath one’s feet, but I am also partial to barley straw 和 I am so grateful for the exceptional care that we donkeys receive here at Latham.”

Esther has a passion for genealogy 和 she has tried her best to educate her herd-mates on their rich line年龄. “You may be surprised to learn that every miniature donkey in North America can trace its roots to Sardinia 和 Sicily. The first miniatures were brought to the US by a New Jersey stockbroker. In the old country we were blindfolded 和 tied to grain mills where we were forced to walk in endless circles to turn grinding stones. 我们的规模很有用. Some of our luckier ancestors were used to carry water 和 supplies into the mountains for shepherds. There are very few if any miniature donkeys left in Sicily 和 Sardinia. 像所有的驴子一样, we have a proud history as service animals, 但微型, 就像我们买球app官网的驴一样, 有一个新的, modern role as companions 和 therapy animals. It is a new, evolved type of service to others 和 we are all very proud of the work that we do.”

Esther’s serene 和 peaceful nature draws others to her, but she is not a pushover. She is fiercely protective of those she loves, 她特别爱以扫, her longtime beau 和 fellow Latham therapy donkey. Esther 和 以扫 came to Latham together. 原产于缅因州, they both prefer the climate on Cape Cod to the heavy snow 和 colder temperatures in Maine. As part of our “Meet the Donkeys” series, we recently sat down with Esther 和 以扫 where they shared some of their thoughts on life as a therapy donkey 和 the new relationships they have formed with their new Latham herd.

以扫告诉我们, “我见到她的那一刻就爱上了她. She will tell you that it was the same for her, but I know that it took her some time to warm up. 她需要了解我. I know that I seem like a simple guy. I’m a good guard donkey 和 guard donkeys can get a bad rap. We are not considered especially interesting or complex, but I am much more than a brawny protector. I can appreciate the things that are important to Esther. When she said that she wanted to leave Maine 和 move to Cape Cod, 没有讨论, no weighing options or other considerations. If she was going, I was going with her.”

Esther was visibly moved by 以扫’s remarks. “Honestly, am I the luckiest donkey? The truth is, 以扫 was born to be a therapy donkey. 买球app官网的每个人都爱以扫. Jake may be the friendliest of the herd, but 以扫 is h和s down the most talented 和 hard-working — oh, 最漂亮的. 我们是群居动物. The ‘group’ is very important to us, 和 all of us consider the Latham children 和 adults part of our group. 我们互相服务. I cannot think of a better, more rewarding life.”

在她的业余时间, Esther enjoys learning tricks from the adult residents in Latham’s Asinotherapy Program. She loves to dress up for holidays 和 special occasions, 和 she 和 以扫 are often the first to volunteer for public appearances in local parades 和 festivals. Esther 和 以扫 will be celebrating 布鲁斯特在布鲁姆周末 和 representing 买球app官网中心 in this year’s Brewster Inn/Woodshed Bloomin’ Parade on Sunday, 5月5日下午1点.m. The parade kicks off at the Eddy School on Main Street 和 continues West on 6A to Swamp Road.


